Mango Season

Rosa Lía Gilbert

On the island, the arrival of mangoes
is a perpetual sign of summer

Sunlight extends and they expand,
their initial green coat slowly covered by shades

of blushing reds and sunshine oranges, interlaced.
The organ-shaped fruit fill up

with blood, secretions of juice trickle and drop
below. A foretaste of sweetness to come

Before cutting them open they beat,
like my heart does, to voice,

We’re alive

and even after they’re transplanted
at the hands of ripening, the mangoes

thrive. Still, a sign,
now of my mouth’s delight.

Rosa Gilbert is a publishing assistant at Calla Press Publishing. Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Spanish is her first language. However, it was through learning English that she fell in love with words. Her work has been published at The Way Back to Ourselves, Calla Press, Vessels of Light, and forthcoming in the Twenty Hills Publishing Nature Anthology. She lives in Ohio with her husband and daughter. You can find her writing at and @rosagilbertpoetry.