
Why Is a Woman’s Body Always in Question?
While men in fancy suits meet in big office buildings to make laws about a body they will never have, women are forced to sit prim and proper as their rights to legal abortions are taken away.

A Proud Coconut
The moment you start to conform to society’s rules is the moment you begin to lose yourself.

The Treacherous Trek to Self-Love
Look in the mirror and see only your beauty instead of your flaws. Join me on this journey of learning to love yourself.

The “Standards” for a Biracial Person
I don’t allow naive or biased words to creep into my head because everyone has their own thoughts, and I won’t let anyone’s voice but mine interfere with the choices that I make.

My Customs Not Your Costumes
The bandanas, spices, thick eyebrows, facial jewels, henna, and oils that are now cute and trendy, were once things that were ridiculed and looked down upon.